Dr. Tatjana Beuthe SNF Sinergia-Projekt "Stamp Seals from the Southern Levant" Postdoc Telefon +41 31 684 87 32 E-Mail tatjana.beuthe@unibe.ch Büro D115
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern seal-based administrative systems. Examining seal impression use in these regions during the 4th-2nd Millennium BCE. The analysis of find locations, use-wear, manufacturing style, motifs, and the origins of raw material for evidence of different styles of administration employed by ancient cultures formerly occupying the territories of Egypt, the Levant, Syria, Iraq, and Iran.
Publikationen 2019: "New Insights into the Step Pyramid Complex: Klasens' Unpublished Seal Impression Drawings." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 105:135-141. 2018: "The Two Brothers: A Re-evaluation of Their Kinship." Göttinger Miszellen 256:17-23. 2013: "On the validity of sexing data from early excavations: examples from Qau." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 99:308-311.